Feminisms, LGBTI and priests
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Changes at "Feminism and democracy: networks of hate and hope"
Title (Castellano)
- +Feminismos y democracia: redes de odio y esperanza
Title (English)
- +Feminism and democracy: networks of hate and hope
Description (Castellano)
La privatización del espacio público digital en manos de las grandes plataformas tecnológicas, ha facilitado el ascenso de una tecnopolítica del 1% con las máquinas de odio digital de la extrema derecha. Esto ha supuesto el aumento de la violencia en el campo digital, en particular contra la mújeres políticas. A pesar de ello, en la era del colonialismo de datos y del capitalismo de plataforma, las multitudes feministas se articulan de forma interconectada y global usando las tecnologías para expandir las protestas y los lazos de solidaridad.
Manuela d’Ávila, Diputada Estatal de Río Grande del Sur, Brasil
Renata Avila, Abogada y Activista
Guiomar Rovira, Periodista
Description (English)
The privatizatization of the public digital space in the hands of big tech platforms has triggered the rise of technopolitics controlled by the 1% that uses the digital hate machines of the far right. The result is rising violence in the digital world, particularly against women in politics. Nonetheless, in the age of data colonialism and platform-capitalism, feminist movements are interacting in an interconnected and global way by using technology to grow protests and solidarity.
Manuela d’Ávila, Member of the Legislative Assembly of the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil
Renata Avila, Lawyer and Activist
Guiomar Rovira, Journalist